Methods on Extracting CBD from Cannabis
CBD can be extracted with a few different methods.
Wondering how your CBD oils are made? You’ve come to the right place.
CBD extraction is an advanced process that requires many skills and high-tech equipment to yield clean and potent products. Without extraction, the CBD space would revolve around hemp flowers, limiting diversity in the cannabis industry to a great extent.
Can you imagine the cannabis market without oils, gummies, vapes, capsules, and topicals?
Neither can we.
Extracting CBD from Cannabis
CBD can be extracted from cannabis plants, meaning you can use both hemp and marijuana for extraction.
The source of CBD determines the chemical profile of the end product and has a profound impact on its legality.
Today, we’ll elaborate on how to extract CBD from hemp plants, compare different extraction methods, touch down on their pros and cons — and pick the best technology for making safe CBD oils on a broad scale.
There has been a lot of hype recently about how to extract CBD from cannabis. The hype is so high that many people have been taken in by it, but there is little research to prove or disprove the claims of this practice. As it turns out, using CBD for medical purposes is something that has already been approved by the FDA. However, the process used to extract it is still being studied and there may be some improvements made before it can be legalized.
Extracting CBD from Cannabis
There is no doubt that the medical benefits of CBD are numerous and include a lot more than just pain relief. It is used for anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic effects as well. The best way to obtain a good supply of CBD from cannabis is to grow your own.
There are three different methods used to extract CBD from cannabis. The first method uses a pressurized water solution, the second involves boiling the cannabis plant material, and the third involves using liquid carbon dioxide to extract it from the plant material. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a look at each method.
The most popular way to extract CBD from cannabis is by using a pressurized water solution. This method is called steam distillation and the process involves heating the plant material until it breaks down. When the material breaks down, it releases a mixture of vapor and water that can then be vaporized into a liquid form in a machine called a distiller.
One drawback to using steam distillation is that it takes more energy than just heating the plant material. Also, you will need a very large area of your garden where the plant material is growing. Although you could get it from another source, this is not recommended because there are always going to be plants growing in your garden that have the same genetics as your plants.
The second way to extract CBD from cannabis is by boiling the plant material. Again, this method can require more energy than steam distillation, but it is also much gentler on the plant material. This method works by heating the plant material until it breaks down but does not boil it, which means you do not have to worry about damaging the plant material when you heat it. There is also less risk of destroying the plant material when you use this method because you do not have to heat the plant material to boiling temperature.